Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ben is the new Youth Pastor

Well I have just finished another chapter in my life. I have finished a degree in Youth Ministry with a minor in psychology. I have finished four years of school at Briercrest College and it is a very happy and very sad time of life right now. I am starting to realize that there is a long list of events and people that I will likely never see again. Gone are the days of interacting with some of the most brilliant theological minds in Canada, living in a dorm with fifty amazing guys who are struggling just like me, and being able to be a part of so many amazing ministries in one place. I will miss you Briercrest and at the same time I am very glad to be finished and moving on to something new.

I have grown in a lot of ways over four years. I started my freshmen year with a massive gotee not knowing a soul on campus and being afraid to eat alone in the cafeteria. I ended a new man knowing more about God and myself. I ended with some life long friends who I am truly blessed to know. I ended with a degree and feeling equipped to do kingdom work!

I will now be heading to Camp Imadene to work alongside some of my closest Briercrest friends! I'll be working maintenance for four months which I am really excited about. I know the Lord has equipped me with gifts of ministry leadership but I am excited to do something a bit different and take a break for awhile in that sense. Once September rolls around I'll be starting a job that was only available to me in my dreams, I'll be working as the youth pastor at Gospel Chapel in Grand Forks being able to use my degree four months after I got it which is a huge blessing!

The only way I can explain the course of my life is through God leading the way and blessing me in SO many ways! May God receive the glory for everything I do!

-ben jepsen ;)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations ben! It's amazing to see the things God is doing in your life.
